报告题目:Nonlinear Stability Analysis
and Controller Design for Fluid Flow Systems Using
Sum of Squares of Polynomials
报告人:Deqing Huang, Department of Aeronautics,
Imperial College London
The stability analysis of fluid flows, typically modelled by nonlinear
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), is of fundamental importance for understanding unsteadiness and turbulence as well as proposing active flow control algorithms for, e.g. reducing
drag and improving fuel efficiency in some applications. In this talk we will present a new approach for stability analysis and control
of fluid flows, based on a recent progress
in the application of Sum of Squares of polynomials and semi-definite programming in combination with a Lyapunov-based approach to stability analysis and design.
The approach is first developed
for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) polynomial
systems, and then extended to PDEs systems that may be
converted to uncertain ODEs. The effectiveness of the proposed
method is demonstrated by means of global stability analysis of a class of rotating
Couette flow and long-time average
cost control of a simple
cylinder flow model under
persistent perturbation of random noise.
报告时间:2015年4月27日 星期一 上午10:30